Cato College of Education Announces 2020-2021 Scholarship Awards

With the fall semester on the horizon, the Cato College of Education is proud to recognize its scholarship recipients for the upcoming academic year. Thanks to the support of our generous donors, the Cato College of Education has been able to award 119 scholarships totaling nearly $340,000.
“My dream is to be a great elementary teacher and I am so excited that there are people that want to support me and cheer me on. This scholarship has helped me further achieve my goals,” said Hayley McNeil, recipient of Hathcock-Humble Legacy Scholarship in Education
The college is in the recruitment phase for its birth-kindergarten awards for 2020-2021. The Teacher Preparation Grant powered by PNC Grow Up Great, which supports Graduate Certificate students in the Child and Family Development program, has 25 available awards at $4,900 each. The MECK Pre-K Early Childhood Scholarship supporting undergraduates in Child and Family Development has 15 available awards at more than $20,500 each.
“To the donors, thank you for rooting for me and being my cheerleaders while I am striving to obtain my degree. I feel like I have people supporting me and it really helps me knowing that others believe I can do it too. I am super proud to be a Niner!” McNeil said.
”It’s hard to overstate what our donors mean to us and to the field itself, said Teresa Petty, interim dean of the Cato College of Education. “Their support makes all the difference for many of our students and programs, and is a driving force in our efforts to produce the next generation of teachers, counselors, and school leaders.”
The full list of awarded scholarships is available below:
Alma and Sharon Goudes Education Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Alma Stettler Goudes and Sharon Goudes to recognize and support students pursuing study within the Cato College of Education.
Terrence Ancrum
Natalie Austin
Christopher Fyfe
Tara Gabriel
Elizabeth Jenkins
Rachel Jeska
Caroline Keasler
Tokira Labady
Katelyn Orzechowski
Megan Smith
Allen Baum
Annie Burnham
Tammi-Jo Grady-Schuh
Tiaesha Inabinett
Jamie Miller
Danielle Neufville
Hunter Seagroves
Karen Tabor
Ben and Helen Hackney Endowed Scholarship in Education
Supports scholarships for students in good academic standing, who are enrolled in a graduate degree program in the Cato College of Education. It was made possible by the generous contribution of Mary Helen Hackney.
Donna Deans
Cato Scholars Endowment
This scholarship was established to recognize and support students majoring in Elementary Education or Middle Grades Education. It was made possible through a generous contribution by The Cato Corporation
Cierra Roberts
Goeun Park
Taylor Capehart
Kaitlyn Collins
Rachel Butler
Mackenzie Trollinger
Natalie Taylor
Cato Scholarship for Education
This scholarship was established to provide support for incoming freshman and transfer students who plan to pursue studies within the Cato College of Education. It was made possible by a generous contribution by The Cato Corporation.
Hailey Spahr
Lauren Wilkie
Alyssa Gray
Tahmena Khanam
Ashley Garcia
Sel Moo
Madison Shell
Nicole Horton
Kaitlyn Collins
Tracy Griffiths
Ashley Dugan
Serena Cobb
Macy Jeffries
Kelsey Romney
Ashley Harrison
Sierra Thompson
Sarah McKenzie
Ana Treschl
Ana Micheli
Katelyn Orzechowski
Spencer Reece
Morgan Parker
Jasmin Baker
Kendra Wilson
Alexandra (Lexi) Gause
Dr. Herman Thomas Scholarship in Education
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing study within the Cato College of Education. It was made possible by the generous contribution of Kia and Demond Martin.
Amori Smith
Dr. Mary T. Burke Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Mary Thomas Burke to recognize and support students pursuing study in Counseling within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of friends and family of Mary T. Burke.
Megan Draughn
Meg Garcia
Eileen Bird Scholarship in Education
This scholarship was established to provide funding for students in the Cato College of Education. Since graduating from UNC Charlotte in 1991. Eileen Bird has built a record of accomplishment developing highly energized, highly successful sales organizations. Eileen is inspired every day by the generosity, positive spirit, and commitment of Fidelity Charitable and its donors, and is proud to be a long-time volunteer and donor to many causes, including UNC Charlotte.
Dara Kinkopf
Eve H. Buchanan-Cates and J. Mark Cates Endowed Scholarship for Teachers
This scholarship was established to provide financial support and to recruit and retain aspiring upper-class teaching majors. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Eve Buchanan-Cates and J. Mark Cates.
Rachel Butler
Dawson Overby
Dakota Walker
Gloria Moore Jones Education Scholarship
Gloria Jones graduated from UNC Charlotte with a Bachelor of Arts in History in 1970. She also earned her elementary education teaching certificate. She returned to UNC Charlotte as a graduate student and earned a Master of Education in Special Education in 1987. Gloria taught for 32 years mainly in gifted education in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School System. Spending over 20 years as an Odyssey of the Mind coach and coordinator, she stressed creative thinking to her students. With this endowed scholarship, it is hoped that future recipients will be inspired to bring innovative ideas and passion to their teaching careers that will impact students in a positive way and benefit the community. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Sam and Gloria Jones.
Mackenzie Trollinger
Davanta Parker
Lori Townsend
Lydia Covington
Hathcock-Humble Legacy Scholarship in Education
This scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in the Cato College of Education. Dr. Misty Cowan-Hathcock is the Cato College of Education Alumni Affairs Director. Hathcock began her journey at UNC Charlotte in 1981 and has achieved five degrees from the university. Hathcock and her mother, Linda Humble M.Ed. ’77, C.A.S. ’78, are dedicated supporters of UNC Charlotte. Both Hathcock and Humble are distinguished educators and members of the UNC Charlotte Alumni Hall of Fame. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Misty Cowan-Hathcock and Linda Humble.
Hayley McNeill
Jacqueline F. and Robert F. Hull Jr. Scholarship for Teachers
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing study within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Robert and Jacqueline Hull.
Samuel Rardin
Robin Harmon
Alison Edwards
Lindsay Ferkol
Jane and Rusty Goode Endowment for Educators
This scholarship honors Seddon Goode, Jr (better known as Rusty) and his late wife, Jane, who, for many years, supported the Cato College of Education. Mr. Goode served as president and chairman of the University Research Park, on the board of the executive committee of Carolinas HealthCare System, and was a major force in the growth and management of North Carolina’s transportation infrastructure. He is a former member of the Endowment Board and the Foundation Board at UNC Charlotte and received an honorary Doctor of Public Service in 2007. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of University Research Park, Inc.
Terrence Ancrum
Karen Andrade
Ingrid Baley
John Benson
Rachel Butler
Christie Collins
Sonya Lee Collins
Nicole Cook
Ashley Dugan
Logan Ellis
Lindsay Ferkol
Christopher Fyfe
Robin Harmon
Alison Hooker
Emory Johnson
Katie Manring
Kimberly Palmer
Bailey Parker
Samuel Rardin
Cynthia Shine
Latiffany Shine
Tara Simpson
Megan Smith
Savana Smith
Tatyana Styrku
Mackenzie Trollinger
Sheila Vazquez
Dakota Walker
Madison Williams
Jane and Rusty Goode Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing study within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Seddon Goode, Jr. and Jane N. Goode.
Kandie Lewis
Sadie Kay-Madgett
Tatyana Styrku
Jim Patterson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of longtime WBTV personality Jim Patterson and to recognize and support students pursuing study in counseling within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of friends of UNC Charlotte.
Lauren Chase
Laura Markstein
Bethany Otten
Janaye Simpson
Mary Faye Combs Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in tribute to Mary Faye Combs’ dedication to teaching to provide financial assistance to students seeking teaching licensure in their major. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Bob E. Combs.
Julia Brodsky
Michael Green Family Merit Scholarship
This scholarship was established to recognize and support students pursuing study in the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Michael Green.
Melody Harmon
Military Order of the Purple Heart Scholarship
This scholarship was established to recognize and support students pursuing study in the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of The American Association of Colleges for Education.
Conni Branscom
NC Alpha Chapter of ADK Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to encourage high standards of education and the advancement of teachers in the profession. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of The North Carolina Alpha Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Honorary Sorority For Women Educators.
Amanda Mills
Philip Morris Educational Leadership Doctoral Fellowship
The purpose of the Philip Morris Educational Leadership Fellowship Program is to provide financial support for outstanding new students in a doctoral program in the Department of Educational Leadership. The program allows for as many as two annual fellowships to entering students enrolled in at least six credit hours per semester and who have distinguished themselves in their prior administrative positions and academic work. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Phillip Morris USA.
Kevin Garay
Melissa Smith
Kimberly Turner
Reading and Elementary Education Scholarship
This scholarship was established to recognize and support students pursuing study in Reading and Elementary Education within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of The Department of Reading and Elementary Education at UNC Charlotte.
Nicole Cook
Richard and Jacqueline Whitfield Early Childhood Education Scholarship
Through the establishment of this scholarship, Dick and Jackie Whitfield wish to encourage future educators, especially those focused on birth through kindergarten education for at-risk populations, an area in which Jackie has tirelessly served.
- Erin Cheney
Ronald J. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honor and memory of Ronald J. Anderson to recognize and support undergraduate students pursuing study within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of the Family and friends of Ronald J. Anderson.
- Erin Cheney
Shelia McCullough Memorial Scholarship for Counseling
This scholarship was established in memory of Shelia McCullough to recognize and support students pursuing study in Counseling within the Cato College of Education. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Nora Reavis and Linda Breen.
Natalie Abou Reslan
Ashlan Vincent