Professors Bring Lifelong Passion to Anti-Racism Education

Dr. Tehia Starker-Glass and Dr.Erin Miller co-designed the courses for the Anti-Racism in Urban Education Graduate Certificate in 2014 to fill a gap in curriculum for the program.
“The work of anti-racism has been critically important for centuries, and we wanted to build on the traditions of anti-racism knowledge and activism that has always defined America,” said Dr. Starker-Glass. “This Anti-Racism certificate is important because we knew the rich traditions of anti-racism in our country were not a part of college curricula in a systemic and consistent way. We acknowledge how K-12 schools have undereducated and miseducated students, and we wanted to provide an opportunity for our students to learn historically accurate information about race, racism, and anti-racism. Furthermore, we knew we needed to share this content with as many people as possible so anti-racism can be enacted in schools, corporate settings, and other places our students work, live, worship, and play.”
Anti-racism work and education can benefit people from all backgrounds and in all professions and lifestyles. The certificate is designed for “anyone who is aware that racism/anti-blackness impact their professional /personal space and wants an in-depth knowledge base to address it would benefit from this program,” said Dr. Starker-Glass.
“While we originally intended an educator audience, we realized that students from myriad fields (counseling, coaching, athletics, corporate settings, religious institutions, sciences, etc.) were seeking admission because they felt the knowledge would inform their own work and lives. We started to allow non-educators into the program and realized the richness of their perspectives enhanced the courses and gave them a distinction we did not realize was possible when we proposed the courses as education-only courses. Therefore, while the focus is still on anti-racism in education, we have expanded key assignments and readings to include an audience beyond the field of education. We also allow a degree of customization that allows students to build a knowledge base that is relevant to their interests/field.”
Dr. Miller and Dr. Starker-Glass are passionate about research as well, publishing both collaboratively and independently.
“We have researched and published work together. Findings from a recent study that are currently under review in a national journal explores the work of a departmental group we initiated with another colleague, Dr. Luke Reinke. We call this group Strengthening Our Core (SOC). SOC is a group of faculty who are interested in learning more about anti-racism and integrating into teacher education curricula, and pedagogy.” said Dr. Starker-Glass.
Dr. Glass also shares, “Additionally, I am especially proud of the professional development I have been doing with K-12 teachers to understand race and anti-racism, then help them integrate what they have learned into their curriculum and instruction. We spend the academic school year going through learning cycles where they learn content, build lessons, we observe their lessons, then we interview them about their experience teaching. Currently, I am working with Kannapolis City School District, and Community School of Davidson. My graduate assistant and I will have both manuscripts under review this summer. Last, I am an Education Advisor for Brownicity, a local organization that focuses on learning about race/racism, and also the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the Cato College of Education.”
Dr. Tehia Starker-Glass Dr. Erin Miller
“Dr. Miller, is teaching a Charlotte Teachers Institute (CTI) course on anti-racist pedagogy and is working with 12 CMS teachers,” said Dr. Glass. “She also working with a team of whiteness scholars to consider and respond to why work that specifically takes up whiteness remains important. She also is the current co-editor of Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, which intentionally publishes work that advances race-based epistemologies.”
Dr. Starker-Glass and Dr. Miller have dedicated their careers to race/racism/anti-racism education and both of their entire bodies of work revolve around it.
They have a long history of working toward anti-racism practices, in their teaching, research and in their university and community service.
“While we are encouraged by the global attention to race related issues right now, this has been our life’s work for over 30 years, collectively,” said Dr. Starker-Glass. “We’d love to have you join us in our Anti-Racism in Urban Education Graduate Certificate Program!”