Research Spotlight

Dr. Ya-yu Lo, faculty in Special Education and Child Development, and Morgan Nichols, her doctoral advisee, have both been recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) for their work in the field of emotional and behavioral health. Lo received the North Carolina CEC Distinguished Service Award for the Division of Emotional and Behavioral Health […]

For 31 years and counting, Cato College has been one of the homes to the North Carolina Principal Fellows Program (NCPFP), and the UNC System recently awarded the college over $4.5 million to continue that tradition for another six years. NCPFP received 11 applications for grants that will be funded from Fiscal Year 2026 to […]

“Educators don’t like to brag on themselves.” Whether the educators of today among our faculty or those of tomorrow like our students, this statement rings true throughout Cato College of Education. Quietly, they have moved into a role of servant leadership and tireless dedication, exemplifying how great things are happening at Charlotte. As Professor & […]

Dr. Michelle Stephan
Department of Middle, Secondary and K12 Education

Dr. David Pugalee
Center for STEM Education

Dr. Daniel Alston
Department of Reading and Elementary Education

Dr. Kathy Asala
Department of Chemistry

Dr. Marlon Mejias
Department of Software and Information Systems