Excellence in Education: Cato College’s 2024 in Review
“Educators don’t like to brag on themselves.” Whether the educators of today among our faculty or those of tomorrow like our students, this statement rings true throughout Cato College of Education. Quietly, they have moved into a role of servant leadership and tireless dedication, exemplifying how great things are happening at Charlotte. As Professor & […]

Mebane Graduates Programming – UNC Charlotte Reads Program
The UNC Charlotte Reads program entered its fourth year with ongoing support from the Belk Foundation. Drs. Corinne Kingsbery and Erin Washburn along with coaches Thomas Connors and Laytora Dash trained and provided boots-on-the-ground support to 28 COED teacher candidates as they provided explicit, systematic reading instruction to 34 K-5 students at Hornets Nest and […]

Dr. Angela Preston to Lead UNC Charlotte’s Mebane Early Literacy Center
The Cato College of Education welcomes Dr. Angela Preston to UNC Charlotte as the director of the Mebane Early Literacy Center. Preston began her career as a special educator in the North Carolina public school system and is dedicated to advancing the field of early literacy through forward-thinking teacher preparation. Preston’s career progressed from teaching […]

Cato College of Education names Mebane Hall in honor of multimillion dollar endowment supporting early literacy
September 19, 2023 UNC Charlotte has named the building that houses the Cato College of Education Mebane Hall in honor of a transformative endowment of up to $23 million from the Mebane Foundation to support early literacy. The gift will establish the Mebane Early Literacy Center and allow the University to greatly expand its efforts as a leader in […]

Transformational Gift for Teacher Literacy Education
Dear Niner Nation, I am pleased to share the exciting news that UNC Charlotte has received one of the largest gifts in our history, up to $23 million from the North Carolina-based Mebane Foundation. You can read more about the gift and its impact in this news article. Over the next five years, the transformative investment […]