Student Teaching

Excellence in Education: Cato College’s 2024 in Review
“Educators don’t like to brag on themselves.” Whether the educators of today among our faculty or those of tomorrow like our students, this statement rings true throughout Cato College of Education. Quietly, they have moved into a role of servant leadership and tireless dedication, exemplifying how great things are happening at Charlotte. As Professor & […]

In Her Element(ary): Star Watson
You would never catch Star Watson unprepared. Teacher briefcase packed for every potential situation, a “we’re gonna work through it” attitude, and a Charlotte green blazer that clearly meant business, she was ready for whatever the day might bring, and ready to share her why.
A Teacher that Students Need: Carley Mittag
As Carley Mittag walked through Mebane Hall, she couldn’t go anywhere without being stopped. Peers and professors alike paused to express how thrilled they were to see her…