Core Responsibilities of a Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Member in the College of Education
Broad Expectations (from Criteria and Procedures used at Department and College Levels to Conduct Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Reviews in the College of Education at UNC Charlotte, 6th edition, 2012):
A faculty member in the College of Education is expected to do the following:
Support the mission and programs of the College and University appropriate to one’s role.
Demonstrate integrity and high standards of ethical and professional behavior.
Be collegial, collaborative, humane, respectful of and sensitive to others, including students, staff members, other faculty, and professional colleagues in the field.
Continue to grow as a professional through reflective practice, active learning, and engagement.
Maintain continuing appointment to the Graduate Faculty of the University (unless one’s program responsibilities are exclusively at the undergraduate level).
Recognize the interconnectedness of the professional domains of teaching, research, and service/outreach/engagement by demonstrating a thematically integrated professional focus across these domains of scholarship as appropriate to the faculty member’s job description.
1. Teaching, Advising, Curriculum and Instructional Development
a. Subject Competence. Faculty member must have full command of the subject and an understanding of its relationship to other areas of knowledge. Course content must be current.
b. Course Design. Syllabi must include: up-to-date bibliography; professional competencies to be developed in the course; assessments and rubrics that are part of Candidate Assessment Plan, calendar of topics, due dates, exams, etc;
c. Course Presentation. Course materials must be presented clearly and coherently in a manner that stimulates the interest and involvement of students and challenges their abilities. Regular course attendance is expected of the faculty member.
d. Advising. The faculty member must be accessible to students and provide knowledgeable, accurate and helpful advice in a timely manner. The faculty member must work with the number of advisees expected in the faculty member’s program. (The College of Education requires faculty to maintain at a minimum six hours of regularly scheduled office hours each week.)
e. Directing Student Research. The faculty member is expected to serve on graduate research committees to the level expected by others in the faculty member’s program and to respond to student work in an effective, timely, and reliable manner.
f. Curriculum and Instructional Development. The faculty member is expected to contribute to the development of the curriculum in an effective manner.
2. Scholarly Research, Creative, and Other Professional Activities
The faculty member is expected to expand the knowledge base in his/ her field by conducting research, generating new knowledge and synthesizing and integrating knowledge.
a. Publications. College of Education Faculty Workload policy calls for a tenured faculty member with a 3:3 teaching load to produce on average at least one refereed publication per year. Variations on expectations for scholarly productivity can be found in the College Faculty Workload document.
b. Presentations at Professional Meetings. College of Education Faculty Workload policy calls for a faculty member with a 3:3 teaching load to make national and/or state conference presentations on a regular basis. Variations on expectations for scholarly productivity can be found in the College Faculty Workload document.
c. On-going Agenda for Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities. Faculty members are expected to demonstrate on-going agenda for research, scholarly and creative activities by having works-in-progress.
3. Service to the University, the Public, and the Profession
a. Contributions to the Administration and Governance of the University. The faculty member must demonstrate involvement in the faculty governance structure and participate in on-going program, departmental and College deliberations.
b. Public Service. Faculty members are expected to provide service to practitioners and to the community; and to describe that service in the Annual Report.
c. Service to the Profession. Membership and involvement in professional organizations relevant to the discipline are expected of all tenured/ tenure-track faculty members.
Prepared by Dean Mary Lynne Calhoun, 7-21-09